Producer, Director, Writer
(2023) HD, 84 min.
Manufacturing the Threat is a feature-length documentary which examines a deeply disturbing episode in Canadian history, when an impoverished couple was coerced by undercover law enforcement agents into carrying out a terrorist bombing. Further, viewers learn that this case is far from unique in the context of Canadian intelligence. Shining a light into the murky world of police infiltration, incitement, and agent provocateurs, Manufacturing The Threatshows how Canada’s policing and national security agencies, granted additional powers after 9/11, routinely break laws with little to no accountability or oversight.
Production: Wide Open Exposure Productions
Canadian Distributor: MultiMonde
International Distributor: Limonero Films
Broadcast license: Al Jazeera International
World Premiere at Doxa film festival in Vancouver, May 2023
Inspired by the book "Manufacturing threats" by Alexandre Popovic.

Producer, Director, Writer
(2021), UHD, 30 min.
Despite a tumultuous childhood, a complicated present as a queer single mom navigating the limitations of a restrictive and traditional Vietnamese culture, and the daunting prospects of a bleak future, Muội Hồng persists in dreaming of life as an artist. She finds healing, strength, expression, community, meaning, and authenticity in her pursuit of hip hop dancing.
Production: Wide Open Exposure, Byron A. Martin Productions
International Distributor: Journeyman
Institutional Distributor: Good Docs
Winner of Best Travel Documentary, Bangkok International Doc Festival, Thailand 2022
RIDM Montreal Documentary International Film Festival, Montreal Nov 2022

(2019), UHD, 73 min.
A young Indigenous girl wants to leave public school, the better to pursue her dreams. Another Word For Learning is at once a thoughtful portrayal of a compellingly outspoken young protagonist and her relationship to her mother, and also a film that offers a nuanced, yet critical view of one of Canada’s principle colonial institutions, where so many learn precisely what it means to be “Canadian”.
Production: Wide Open Exposure, Cinema Politica Productions
Winner of Best Travel Documentary, Bangkok International Doc Festival, Thailand 2022
RIDM Montreal Documentary International Film Festival, Montreal Nov 2022

(2020), HD, 26 min.
Lawyers (F)or Justice? is an exploration of the contemporary viability of socially conscious law in Ontario.
It follows lawyer and director, Yavar Hameed, in his journey to understand the relationship between law and justice from the perspective of social activists, established socially conscious lawyers, and law students. Within the deepening crisis of access to justice in Ontario, this film considers whether recent law school graduates, faced with rising levels of tuition and debt, can afford to practice socially conscious law. Can emerging lawyers break their financial chains while staying true to their ideological principles?
Production: Wide Open Exposure, Yavar Hameed Productions
Distribution: McIntyre Media and UDOCS/Hot Docs for Continuing Professional Education

Producer, Director, Writer
(October 2018), HD, 45 min.
“Gaza: Health under Siege” takes us into the streets and hospitals of Gaza. Here you will witness firsthand the daily realities affecting the management of human health-related systems under the blockade: access to clean water and hospital care as well as effective food and waste management. Filmed in Gaza City during January and February 2016, the audience will meet a variety of local Gazans from doctors, nurses, street vendors, water workers, waste pickers and children to learn what is life like behind Israel’s massive wall surrounding Gaza.
Produced by: Wide Open Exposure, Byron A. Martin Productions
International Distributor: Java Films
Canadian Distributor: IndieCan
Broadcast license: Al Jazeera International
Oaxaca International Film Festival 2018 - Special Jury Award

Producer, Director, Writer
(May 2017), HD, 76 min.
"Tomorrow's Power" is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world and their responses to economic and environmental emergencies they are facing. In the war-torn, oil-rich Arauca province in Colombia, communities have been building a peace process from the bottom up. In Germany activists are pushing the country to fully divest from fossil-fuel extraction and complete its transition to renewable energy. In Gaza health practitioners are harnessing solar power to battle daily life-threatening energy blackouts in hospitals.
Produced by: Wide Open Exposure, Byron A. Martin Productions
International Distributor: Off The Fence
Canadian Distributors: IndieCan (English), MultiMonde (French)
TV Licenses: ERT-Hellenic Broadcasting Co. (Greece), Globalb MediaCom (Albania), Latvian Television, Media Entertainment (Hungary/Romania), iWonders (Africa/Asia/Oceania), Decent Go (Ireland)
Selected in over 50 festivals. Highlights include:
2017 Cambodia International Film Festival, Phnom Penh,Cambodia
Zagreb Green Fest, Zagreb Croatia
EcoZine Film Festival, Zaragoza Spain
Cardoba International Film Festival, Carboda Colombia
Festival Internacional DocumentaQro, Querétaro Mexico
Bozcaada International Festival Ecological Documentary, Bozaada Turkey
Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental de Serra de Estrela, Seia Portugal
Competition section, SunChild International Environmental Festival, Yerevan, Armenia
Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Festival Globale Bogota, Colombia
Patagonia Eco Film Fest, Chile
Hanoi International Film Festival, Vietnam
Theatrical screenings: 2018 Hot Docs Bloor Cinema, Toronto, ON February 15-22nd 2018 Cinémathèque Québécoise, Montreal, QC April 20-29th 2018 Station Vu, Montreal QC May 16-19th 2018
On saluera un film bien construit, aux images nettes et spectaculaires, notamment dans ses plans larges, et qui nous présente des gens attachants ✮✮✮ André Duchesne, La Presse
Les exemples sont éloquents et font sursauter d’horreur...Miller nous livre un pamphlet vibrant. Elle nous éduque sur la honte et le courage.. ✮✮✮Charles-Henri Ramond, SÉQUENCES
It is a documentary worth watching to learn more about environmental battles across the globe...You will leave intrigued.
✮✮✮ Ayurella Horn-Muller, Film Threat

Writer, Director
(October 2013) HD, 77 min. colour
"No Land, No Food, No Life" explores the calls for an end to the global land grabs, and for sustainable peasant and community agriculture.
Films De l’Oeil, CMF, Super Channel, Télé-Quebec, SODEC, PRIM, SCAM
Canadian Distributor: Cinéfête International Distributor: Journeyman Picture
Selected in over 40 festivals. Highlights include:
FIFA De Mons, Belgium
FESPACO, Burkina Faso
Festival Tutti nello Stesso Piato, Italy
One Earth Film Festival, USA
Festival du Film Vert, Switzerland
Cologne International Women’s Film, Germany
Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival, Oslo, Norway
Festival International de Films D’environnement de Paris, Paris, France
Festival International de Cine de Panama, Panama City, Panama
Crossroads Film Festival, Vienna, Austria
Festival International de Cine Ambiental, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Festival Alimenterre, Belgium
Festival des Libertés, Belgium
Vancouver International Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada
Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Theatrical Screenings: Cinéma Excentris, Port Cartier’s Ciné-Graff, Rimouski’s Paraloeil Cinema, New Richmond’s Ciné Bobine, Sept-îles’s Ciné-Club, Lavaltrie’s Café-Ciné, Prévost’s Ciné-Club
(2013-2018) Interactive multiplatform project implemented as a complement to the documentary production. With support from Super Channel, CMF digital fund
“Very important documentary that balances first- person accounts from farmers and some industry representatives with an overview of the political and economic forces surrounding the issue ✮✮✮1⁄2 T’Cha Dunlevy, THE GAZETTE
“Très documenté et très pédagogique.” ✮✮✮1⁄2 Benoit Rey, CINÉMANIAK
“The best documentaries leave viewers with some rather strong feelings, typically outrage against a devastating problem. No Land, No Food, No Life does just that, exposing the disgusting practices of huge companies, as well as the terrible devastation they leave in their wake.” ✮✮✮1⁄2 William Brownridge, TORONTO FILM SCENE
“On peut se féliciter de croiser la route d'une telle documentariste qui brasse la cage de nos certitudes. Au terme de la démonstration, on adhère à l'affirmation d'un de ses sujets lorsqu'il dit: «Qui possède des semences possède la vie.» ✮✮✮1⁄2 André Duchesne, La Presse

Producer, Director, Writer
(June 2012) HD, 84 min. colour
The Carbon Rush takes an up-close look at the framework that is being used to reduce carbon and investigates whether or not offsets are distracting us from what’s really required to tackle the climate crisis. Who will gain, who will lose, and what impact is an international carbon market having on our environment?
Production: Wide Open Exposure, Byron A. Martin Productions
Financing: Canadian Media Fund, Super Channel, Télé-Quebec, Rogers Finishing Fund, NFB FAP program
Canadian Distributor: KinoSmith, US Distributor: The Video Project, GATHR Films
VOD Distributor: GAIAM Films
International Sales Agent: Films Transit
TV Licenses: Super Channel, Télé-Quebec, TV5 Monde, (International) NHK (Japan), Denmarks Radio (Denmark) GLOBOTV (Brazil), Telesur (Venezula)
Selected in over 80 festivals. Highlights include:
Kirloskar VAsundhara Int. Film Festival, Pune, India
OPENING FILM at 1st Ahvaz International Science Films Festival, Ahvaz, Iran
Angkor Wat International Film Festival, Cambodia
One Earth Film Festial, USA
Sedona International Film Festival, Sedona, Arizona, USA
Cape Town Eco Film Festival, Cape Town, South Africa
Barcihara Film Festival, Colombia
BEST FILM AWARD Document12 festival, Glasglow, Scotland
Bogazici Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey
Kathmandu International Film Festival, Nepal
Human Rights Human Wrongs Festival, Oslo, Norway
30th International Environmental Film Festival, Paris, France
Docville, Leuven, Belgium
12th Edition Festival de Lasalle en Cévennes, Cévennes, France
10th Green Film Festival, Seoul, Korea
Planete Doc Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland
2nd Ecofalante Environmental Film Festival, São Paulo, Brazil
Crossroads – Festival for Documentary Film and Discourse, Graz, Austria
Greenscreen Festival, Lincoln Center, New York, USA
17th International festival of Environmental films MEFEST, Vlasina Lake Serbia
Argentina’s Environmental Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rio De Janiero International Film Festival, Rio, Brazil
AWARD OF MERIT The Indie Festival, La Jolla, California, USA
CLOSING GALA The Green Nation Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival
Take One Action Film Festival - Edinburgh, Scotland
Vancouver International Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada
2nd Miami Beaches Environmental Film Festival, Miami, Florida, USA
OPENING FILM Polar Ice International Film Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia
Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, Montreal, QC
COP18, Doha, Qatar, 5 special screenings during the UN Climate Conference
Interactive multiplatform project implemented as a complement to the documentary production.
With support from Super Channel, Bell New Media, CMF digital fund
Published by: Wide Open Exposure Productions, Red Deer Press
Release date: January 2014
Description: The Carbon Rush book is a gorgeous 212 page paperback with essays and images relating to the fallacies of the carbon market.
"...one of the finest, most carefully researched and executed political exposés of the year." ✮✮✮1⁄2 Ezra Winton, ART THREAT
“The Carbon Rush takes a complex subject and makes it clearer.” ✮✮✮1⁄2Jay Stone, POST MEDIA

Producer, Director, Writer
(March 2009) SD, 58 min. colour
Through diverse interviews and case studies this documentary unveils the specific interests and profits that are made by certain corporation, individuals and agency within Canada.
Production: Wide Open Exposure Productions
Financing: Funded by over 50 social justice organizations, peace and faith-based groups across Canada and over 350 individuals.
Selected in over 35 festivals. Highlights include:
State (T)error Special Section of Milano Film Festival, Italy
Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal official selectionBay Street Film Festival official selection
Stopping War in Canada Tour: 45 screenings during semi-theatrical cross-Canada tour

Producer, Director, Writer
2008, SD, 28 min., documentary: Examines exclusionary nature of European Union immigration policies, migration and detention centres.
Production, Distribution: Wide Open Exposure
Selected in over 20 festivals. Highlights include:
Star & Shadow Newcastle Cinema UK 2010
People’s Choice award, Migration Contest, CBC-RCI 2008

Associate producer
1 hr 33 min | French, English | United States/Canada | Sara Dosa | 2022
Katia and Maurice Krafft loved two things — each other and volcanoes. For two decades, the daring French volcanologist couple were seduced by the thrill and danger of this elemental love triangle. They roamed the planet, chasing eruptions and their aftermath, documenting their discoveries in stunning photographs and breathtaking film to share with an increasingly curious public in media appearances and lecture tours. Ultimately, Katia and Maurice would lose their lives during a 1991 volcanic explosion on Japan’s Mount Unzen, but they would leave a legacy that would forever enrich our knowledge of the natural world.
Inspired by the French New Wave, director Sara Dosa and the filmmaking team fashion a lyrical and joyous celebration of the intrepid scientists’ love and their spirit of adventure, drawing from the Kraffts’ spectacular archive of indelible, often otherworldly images, set against a playful soundtrack.
Production: Intuitive Pictures

Associate producer
Production: Artesian Films

Associate producer
We'd like to believe that talent and hard work bring professional success, but these qualities only determine our performance. Success is something different. Scientists believe that success is a social phenomenon. How does society choose winners from losers, success from failure?
If science is based on the premise that the natural world can be understood and even predicted, can it explain social phenomena, too? Can science unravel the secrets of success?
Until recently, we were looking in the wrong place to explain success.
As we began to daily leave our digital fingerprints behind, social and data scientists set about investigating this as a tool to study success. After three years of collecting data, scientists came up with something incredible: a mathematical formula that predicts success in the future.
THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS reveals an exciting, new understanding of how society works and offers insights into how to achieve success. These discoveries will have profound implications for society as well —the outcome of elections, the products we buy, the choices we make — they are all determined by hidden principles. The game of success can be ruled by the most surprising details, like the moment of a person’s birth, the place you are in, or the people you meet.
As hard as it might be to believe today, the Mona Lisa -the most valuable painting in the world- got her fame just by accident. But what would happen if her story had turned out differently?
Through THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS learn the latest intriguing discoveries of the scientists; Professor Duncan Watts, Professor Simon Grondin, Professor Albert Barabasi, Dashun Wang and others, who raise many interesting questions about the reasons for the success of the world’s most famous stars, players, businesses, paintings, as well as other industries, and offer the promise of a level playing field that hard work and talent will finally rise to the top.
Production: Intuitive Pictures
Broadcast: CBC

Associate producer
Production: Makila

White, White North: The rise and fall of far-right in Canada